Firmenunterlagen   Frachtangebot  


The company Bloedorn EastTrans GmbH was organized on the basis of the Eastern European department of the company Bloedorn Spedition GmbH. Thanks to the many years of experience of the already employed workers our clients can rely on the high quality level and professionalism during the transportation of the heavy and oversized goods to Russia and other countries oft he former C.I.S.

Our mission is:

  • client-orientated business
  • high quality level of the offered services
  • high level of responsibility
  • qualified consulting
  • innovative approach and flexibility
  • special transport solutions

Quality is the foundation of our success!

Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransporte und Kranarbeiten
Bloedorn Container
Bloedorn Spedition
Bloedorn Asia
Bloedorn EastTrans GmbH
44319 Dortmund
Tel.: 0231-98 10 60-400
Fax.: 0231-98 10 60-401
24h-Service: 0172-216 9271