Firmenunterlagen   Frachtangebot  


Naturally we also provide the transportation of normal cargoes.

Whether these are crates, barrels, coils, machines, containers, construction sections and parts for halls, steel in all its forms, pallet goods of all kinds. We will reliably bring your goods to their destination at the appointed time.

Our fleet consists of:

  • Extendable jumbo vehicles for large volume products
  • Normal trucks with Edscha top, loading board platforms
  • heavy goods vans, coil hollows, sliding tarpaulins
  • trucks with the loading crane with the lifting power up to 12 to
  • Articulated trucks with alternative bridging systems
  • Mega tarpaulin trailers with up to 3,55 m inside height
  • Jumbo low-beds with up to 3,88 m inside height

Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransporte und Kranarbeiten
Bloedorn Container
Bloedorn Spedition
Bloedorn Asia
Bloedorn EastTrans GmbH
44319 Dortmund
Tel.: 0231-98 10 60-400
Fax.: 0231-98 10 60-401
24h-Service: 0172-216 9271