Firmenunterlagen   Frachtangebot  


We accept any challenge from the client and we are pleased to handle any exceptional loading. Our specialists offer our clients the whole spectrum of all-inclusive services, which satisfy all demands of the customers.

Our business comprises all facets of the modern transport logistics.

International transportation of oversized cargoes by means our special equipment to Russia and other states of the CIS – is our specialty. But we also have vast experience in the organization of the multimodal transportation with the combination of road-rail-sea transportation.

Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransporte und Kranarbeiten
Bloedorn Container
Bloedorn Spedition
Bloedorn Asia
Bloedorn EastTrans GmbH
44319 Dortmund
Tel.: 0231-98 10 60-400
Fax.: 0231-98 10 60-401
24h-Service: 0172-216 9271