Firmenunterlagen   Frachtangebot  


In order to carry out your shipment safely and expertly we can provide different types of crane cars, whose performance qualities always guarantee transport quality.

Whether single containers, container installations, machines, generators or advertising boards, we provide the suitable crane for all transport needs.

BDF vehicles and SZM with loading crane which can bear up to 12 Tonnes are also part of our fleet.

The many years of practical experience, the competence of our crews as well as the careful carrying out of the crane operation by trained driving personnel, guarantees the perfect completion of your contract.

You can depend on the performance power of man and machine, because performance power is our strength.

Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransporte und Kranarbeiten
Bloedorn Container
Bloedorn Spedition
Bloedorn Asia
Bloedorn EastTrans GmbH
44319 Dortmund
Tel.: 0231-98 10 60-400
Fax.: 0231-98 10 60-401
24h-Service: 0172-216 9271