Firmenunterlagen   Frachtangebot  


Liability for contents

The contents of our pages were put together with great care. For the correctness, completeness, and authenticity of the contents, especially the technical data is something for which we cannot guarantee.

Liability for links

Our supply also has linking pages from other external websites, for which we have no influence over. We cannot therefore take responsibility for these outside contents. It is the responsibility of the supplier and people who are in charge of the linking pages to guarantee them. The linking pages were checked at the time for any possible legal breaches. Contents of legal infringements from linking pages could not be identified. A permanent control of the linking pages without having anything to go by regarding legal violation would be unreasonable to expect. f linking pages are found which are legally infringing, they will be removed immediately.


The people responsible for the pages have made every effort to respect the copyrights of others. The pictures which have been put together by side operators are in accordance with German copyright. The making of copies, processing or spreading of any kind of use outside the boundaries of the copyright needs written permission from the respective authors and producers.Downloads and copies of these pages, and that of the picture gallery are only allowed for private use. The commercial use is not permitted.

Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransporte und Kranarbeiten
Bloedorn Container
Bloedorn Spedition
Bloedorn Asia
Bloedorn EastTrans GmbH
44319 Dortmund
Tel.: 0231-98 10 60-400
Fax.: 0231-98 10 60-401
24h-Service: 0172-216 9271